Glen Echo Nurseries stocks seasoned Ash Firewood which is considered the best overall Firewood.  Ash is readily available and it is a very dense wood but easily split.  It has a long lasting burn rate while producing low smoke levels. You may be wondering what ‘seasoned’ firewood is.  Basically, it means sufficiently ‘dried’.  It is […]

Wild Bird Food

 Designed With The Right Birds In Mind Armstrong prides itself on our expertise about North American Wild Birds. They know the right birds that are common at backyard bird feeders. And they know the right foods they enjoy eating the most! When it comes to general backyard birds, it’s fine to offer these supplements. During […]

Monarch Butterflies – Endangered!

A bit about Monarch Butterflies Monarch butterflies are one of the most recognized butterflies native to North America.   A very beautiful species of butterfly, known for their large, colourful wings of orange and black.  We know that pollinators are responsible for 1 out of every 3 bites of food we consume making Monarch Butterflies a […]

Outdoor Living – Rooms without Walls

A bit about Holland Imports – For nearly 50 years, Holland Imports has helped Canadians complete thousands of projects on the job site and in the home through its wide selection of quality tools, hardware, seasonal products, and accessories. Their longevity has earned the trust and respect of our customers and manufacturers alike.  They have […]

What are Grubs and how to control them

  What are Grubs and How Does Scotts® Grub B Gon Max® Grub Killer Work?   What is a grub? A grub is the larvae of a beetle species, such as the masked chafer, European chafer, or Japanese beetle. Typical lawn grubs are white, C-shaped with soft bodies, legs near the head and are about […]

All about Garden Pro Liquids with Kelp Extract

Used for thousands of years by seaside dwellers for food, agriculture and more recently for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, kelp packs a powerful punch in providing a storehouse of health and nutritional benefits. Although the kelp family embodies over 30 genera, the most widely researched species is a type of brown algae, Ascophyllum nodosum (Norwegian […]