Cold Tolerant Hardy Vegetables

Cold season crops like cruciferous veggies and root crops typically have the best cold tolerance.  Gardeners find many of these crops turn sweeter after a light frost.  Cold hardy vegetables can survive hard frosts of about -4° C (25°F) to -2°C (28°F).  Some varieties tolerating temperatures into the teens or below and the cooler temperatures and shorter days also stimulate these plants to convert stored starches to sugars.  All taste better when allowed to mature during cool weather.

Try some of these varieties in your garden this year.


Broccoli is surprisingly easy and rewarding to grow in your home garden. Basically, it is a giant cluster of flower buds that require harvesting before pollination. A grassy, mild earthy flavour.

Brussels Sprouts

Brussels sprouts are a member of the cabbage family. They are like small, tightly wound cabbages that are easy to grow. Pick Brussels Sprouts when they are firm & well formed.


Cabbage is another vegetable that will grow without much trouble. The only thing to watch for is the cabbage moth. Cabbage can be used in a variety of recipes and shouldn’t be left out of your garden.


English peas are the most common variety of pea grown today. They are known for their sweet flavour and bright, beautiful green colour. Nothing better than fresh picked peas from your garden.


Kale contains the highest levels of beta-carotene of any green vegetable. It is also high in Vitamins A, C, K, B6 along with potassium, calcium and iron. Low in calories - high in fibre - versatile in the kitchen.


Add nutrition and an appealing crunch to salads or stir fries with this quirky cousin of the cabbage. Kohlrabi is sweeter & milder than cabbage. Popular with gardeners & cooks as it is easy to grow.


Leeks may take a little patience to grow as they take months to mature, but are well worth the wait! The flavour is sophisticated and mild compared to onions. Leeks are packed with flavour & nutrition.


Once worshipped as the symbol for eternal life, onions are the most ancient of all vegetables. They are thought to have anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory & anti-cholesterol properties. Come in many varieties.


Parsnips are a root vegetable white in colour- a cousin to carrots & parsley. They have a flavour similar to the carrot but with an earthy nuttiness. Sometimes referred to as the spicy carrot.


All parts of the radish are edible from the swollen tap roots to the leaves & even the seeds. They make excellent micro greens adding a distinct flavour & slight edge of spiciness to salads.


Super nutritious especially when cooked, spinach is packed with beta-carotene, iron and vitamin K. A spring & fall vegetable though baby leaf varieties can be grown at almost any time of the year.

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