Hybrid Tea Roses 2025

Beauty, fragrance, and easy care all in one flower.

Hybrid Tea Roses are a garden classic – they are often called Rose Royalty. Undeniably beautiful, they are the most popular rose in the world. Hybrid Tea Roses are bred to be large, repeat bloomers with a bloom growing at the end of long branches and while some are mildly scented, others boast incredible fragrance.  A favorite for gardens and floral arrangements. They typically bloom repeatedly throughout the growing season and come in a wide variety of colors, often with a delightful fragrance.

Growing Hybrid Tea Roses

→ Sunlight: Require full sun (at least 6 hours daily).

→ Soil: Thrive in well-draining, nutrient-rich soil.

→ Watering: Keep the soil evenly moist but not waterlogged. Water deeply to encourage root growth.

→ Pruning: Prune annually in late winter or early spring to promote healthy growth and blooming. Remove dead or diseased wood regularly.

→ Fertilizer: Feed with a rose-specific fertilizer during the growing season.

All My Loving™

This rose get All My Loving. The plant's excellent vigor guaranties a profuse flower production. A true Hybrid Tea with one large flower per stem making them excellent cut flowers. No matter where you live, the deep pink color will stay true until the petals drop and the plant will reward you with large clean leaves.


Always & Forever®

Classic red rose - the quintessential symbol for love and romance. A showy display of velvety ruby red blooms against a backdrop of glossy dark green foliage on long stems makes this rose excellent for cutting. It has a slight fragrance and is very disease resistant.



The rich lemon yellow flowers with a touch of red are mostly borne singularly on the ends of strong, upright stems. The elegant & classic blossoms are large and double in form. Grows 4' - 5' tall. Incredible tea rose fragrance. Foliage is dark green with very good resistance to mildew and blackspot.


Big Purple

You will be able to smell this Big Purple Hybrid Tea Rose long before you see it - it is so intensely fragrant. The foliage is a very dark green with a leathery appearance. Huge blooms of pure grape juice purple are borne on tall, stiffly upright stems.


Blue Moon

Bonjour Blue Moon - bred in France, this is one of the first lavender-blue Hybrid Tea roses ever produced. And it's a beauty! Full, double 4" blooms have long, pointed buds that open into beautiful lavender petals with hues of blue. An intensely sweet fragrance and very upright, vigorous growth make this unusual rose a must have this season. The lilac blooms, repeat flowering summer through autumn and divine scent make this unusual rose a must-have for every garden.


Chicago Peace

The colour is gorgeous on this tea rose with classically formed 5"+ blooms on a very vigorous plant. The shell pink bloom with lavender overtones is striking. Large, glossy, apple-green leaves complete the look on this handsome shrub. A lovely rose with a pleasant, fruity fragrance.


Chrysler Imperial

Lovely long pointed buds open to globular flowers of dark velvety red. These fantastic flowers are held atop straight stems clothed with dark matte-green leaves. The 4”-5” full, shapely blooms contain a strong, hypnotic citrus scent. This vigorous landmark, classic red rose is a definite favourite.


Desert Peace™

Desert Peace™ is a bicolour Hybrid Tea rose with fragrant, large, double blooms. Golden yellow flowers tinged with vivid scarlet red edges. A vigorous shrub, it blooms throughout summer and fall. Foliage is glossy and dark green. This strong upright plant blooms on perfect cutting stems.


Diamond Jubilee

Well-branched, bushy rose about 1.2m tall, with glossy dark green leaves. Long pointed buds, open to fragrant, warm yellow, fully double blooms 10cm across, fade to soft cream shades and white. Repeat-flowering through summer and autumn.


Dolly Parton

Who doesn't love Dolly? A standout, like her name sake , Dolly Parton is an unusual shade of red-orange with a coppery cast. A fantastic performer, Dolly is a repeat bloomer that produces large 6" blooms with a scent so intoxicating, it will fill a room. Rich, deep green foliage finishes the show on this bushy rose.


Double Delight

A fragrant garden favorite for more than 20 years! The first delight is its fresh spicy-sweet scent which is fragrant up to 10 feet away! The second delight is they eye-catching colour combo of scarlet buds that open to a creamy white-washed pink.



A particularly luminous Hybrid Tea rose - some say its Electric Pink colour is brighter than white. Very large, 5 in. across, high-centered, bright cherry pink flowers. Terrific rebloomer, the brilliant flowers exude a mild to strong, old rose, spice fragrance.



A magnificent sensual rose featuring flowers of dark velvet crimson red with a heady erotic perfume. A hardy, healthy rose bush with a very free flowering habit. Bright and beautiful, frilly and fragrant, this shrub flowers from late spring into autumn. An elegant addition to the garden.



A traditional looking rose that can take the heat! This intensely red rose loves the sun and is almost completely thornless. The shrub has upright branching with small, semi-glossy, dark green foliage that is disease resistant. The repeat bloomer has exceptionally fragrant, large, full blooms have a high-centered form borne mostly singly.


Flaming Peace

Flaming Peace loves to bask in the sunlight. Double cupped blooms display a slightly fragrant blooms of red with a yellow reverse. The petals age to pink with a white fade & all stages look impressive against the foliage of glossy dark green. Freely produced flowers throughout the long flowering season from mid-summer to fall.



If one were to describe the perfect rose, they may be thinking of Folklore. It produces exhibition-style flowers, that is said, are perfect almost every time. A stunning combination of orange and salmon shades with a fierce scent. Folklore can grow very tall and used as a short climber of up to 8'.


Fragrant Cloud

Rose Hall of Fame Winner! Fragrant Cloud is a Hybrid Tea rose in an intense bright coral-red with a luxurious, heady perfume. A delicious combination of citrus, damask, fruit and spices that you will notice long before ever seeing them. Enjoy this scent when you bring these beauties in as cut flowers. It is a hardy, vigorous rose and a powerhouse bloomer with large, double, well-formed, coral-orangey-red blooms averaging 5-6” in diameter. A definite winner!


Garden Party

A paler version of it's parents, Garden Party features white blooms with soft yellow centres and pink edging. The perfectly shaped flowers are medium to large in size and double in form giving it a very full effect. This easy to grow rose is delicously fragrant with a feminine feel. A favourite amongst rose exhibitors.


Gentle Giant™

Give this Gentle Giant some space - she can grow to 6 ft tall! This repeat bloomer does very well in cooler temperatures making it an excellent choice for our area. This big beauty features extremely large and lusciously rich, pink blossoms with an inner yellow glow on very long, sleek stems and uniquely coloured light green foliage.



This golden Hybrid Tea rose gets our star! Not only does this rose seem to glow in the garden, you will love the sweet honey-like fragrance that freely flows from this beautiful rose. Double the pleasure. Rich golden-yellow, double blooms adorn shrubs of pale matte foliage from late spring until autumn.


Grande Dame

A modern antique for all climates! The bouquet of this grand rose will have your head spinning with style, romance and old tea rose aromas. A flowering machine, she produces a big, bountiful display of very full magenta blooms in flushes throughout the season. Lush green foliage completes the look.


Heavenly Scented™

The saying 'Stop and smell the Roses' must have been inspired by this rose. The strong, sweet fragrance delivers on the long stemmed roses. Beautiful conch pink blooms sit heavenly at the end of sturdy stems. Beloved by rose gardeners, this rose grows in an upright habit, has a strong resistance to most common rose diseases and retains its colour very well.



As an offering from the world famous Kordes Roses, this rose does not disappoint. Ice Girl is a hardy variety that grows on very strong stems and features white to ivory white quartered blooms. The flowers have a lovely cup shape, are of medium size with an intense fragrance. The dark green glossy foliage is a nice compliment to the snow white flowers. Very good for cut flowers.


John F. Kennedy

Amazingly large, rich, white double blooms grace this timeless shrub rose. It is the most fragrant of all the white rose bushes. The intoxicating fruity aroma with hints of licorice saturates this sensational shrub. An exemplary white rose with vigorous blooming capabilities is set off beautifully against glossy, finely-toothed foliage.



Add some Joy to your garden! This vibrant apricot beauty has small to medium size rosettes that hold up nicely in the rain. A free-flowering rose bush, it blooms from spring to fall. It is upright in nature with dark shiny foliage. It makes a nice cut rose. This rose should be displayed.


Lady X

A vigorous shrub that bears perfectly shaped, elegantly pointed, soft buds in the most beautiful mauve colour on top of almost thornless long stems. Blooms in flushes through the season. The mild fragrance means this rose is welcomed for its simple beauty and form.


Lions International

Lions International' is an upright, hybrid tea type rose with bright, non-fading golden yellow blooms are borne abundantly on this vigorous, compact plant. Glossy, deep green leaves look amazing against the pop of the sunny-golden yellow flowers. Blooms from late spring until the frost. Medium fragrance.


Love's Magic

Kordes does it again! The 'Liebeszauber™' rose translates to “Love’s Magic” and we do love this rose. A large, rich crimson red, cupped shaped double bloom sits atop very sturdy stems with dark green leathery foliage. It is quite tall growing to 4' to 5' and blooms in flushes throughout the season. This flower is so fragrant it won the Hague fragrance award in 1994. As if that wasn't enough, this fantastic rose is very disease resistant and makes an excellent cut flower.


Mellow Yellow

‘Mellow Yellow’ is a very useful addition with blooms a shade of soft yellow that absolutely fits the name. The large flowers hold their colour and can grow up to 5 inches. The blooms are the classic Hybrid Tea shape and produced on long, straight stems. An excellent, healthy and vigorous plant. Moderate fruity fragrance.


Memorial Day™

With their freely produced flowers and long flowering season from mid-summer, they are possibly one of the best loved roses. A strongly scented Hybrid Tea rose boasting large, very double, orchid pink flowers, 4 in. across, packed with 41 to 50 petals. Borne mostly solitary on long, they are excellent as cut flowers.



This award winning fragrant rose is one of the most famous in the world. This feminine looking rose has slightly ruffled, very large, heavy cupped blooms of golden primrose yellow with soft rose-pink shadings on a strong growing, continual blooming bush. This rose will bring you peace.


Perfume Delight

A delightful addition to the garden. This rich, deep rose-pink vision is both a stunner & heavenly scented. The standout rose displays elegant buds that open into large, fully double, solitary, 5" blooms on long stems, perfect for cutting. Thankfully, this shrub is continually blooming. The strong, heady, old damask rose fragrance will delight your senses.


Perfume Factory™

New Rose for 2023! Perfume Factory™ will be known for being extremely fragrant, pumping out an intense, spicy-fruity fragrance. This shrub rose produces early summer large magenta-plum blooms with layers of soft petals complemented by semi-glossy, dark green foliage on an upright, bushy plant. Makes an excellent cut flower.


Pink Peace

An offspring of the famous Peace rose, it displays very large, fully double 5-7" blooms of bright silvery pink. In typical hybrid tea style, each bloom grows singularly on a strong, tall, continually blooming upright bush with a rounded form. This splendid rose offers a sweet fragrance and deep green foliage.



Pretty in pink, this is a strongly scented Hybrid Tea rose boasting large, double, cup-shaped, cream-colored flowers packed with 17-25 petals adorned with a hot pink margin. The exquisite blossoms exude a wonderful spicy, verbena fragrance. An exquisite beauty that also offers exceptional disease resistance.



You will want to take many pictures of this stunning, prolific blooming Hybrid Tea Rose. Exquisitely formed, pointed 'bud flowers' open to a single flower on each sturdy stem with sparse foliage at the base. Another tall hybrid tea, Portrait will reach heights from 4' to 6'. Portrait is a vigorous grower with large, double blooms of gradient pink and yellow undertones. This rose is heavily scented and makes an excellent cut flower.


Pretty Lady Rose™

The second in a collection of garden roses named after characters of the popular Downton Abbey series. Lady Rose's namesake shares many attributes with the character such as elegance and strength. Very large old-fashioned, English style multi-petaled, deep pink flowers with colour that lasts. Sweetly scented fragrance with healthy, bright, glossy, medium green foliage on a compact shrub.


Rainbow Niagara™

The flowers of the Rainbow Niagara™ are a riot of yellow and orange/pink stripes and adorned with a sunny yellow reverse. The elegant and classic blossoms are large and double. As the blooms mature, they transition to shades of coral, creating a striking visual effect. Standing upright, and reaching 3′-4′ in height, featuring beautifully shaped flowers with 17-25 petals each. Rainbow Niagara™ makes a great cut rose and emits a mild fragrance.


Schwarze Madonna™

The noble rose 'Black Madonna' ® belongs to the group of old roses and is characterized by its velvety petals and the matt red hue. The characteristic dark red to black colouring of the large, half-filled flowers gives the beauty its name. A vigorous bloomer with contrasting glossy foliage and a dense, bushy growth form. An elegant but hardy rose.



True to its name, this rose displays a fantastic continuous blaze of color. Always covered in 3” elongated, cupped blooms, this outstanding shrub is showy & fragrant. Sunny yellow blooms have an orange center with a lighter reverse. Borne mostly solitary, it blooms in flushes throughout the season. Features interesting bronze-green foliage.


Sugar Moon

Day or night, this sweet rose brings the sugar! Rosa ‘Sugar Moon’ exudes a very powerful, sweet citrus and rose fragrance. An amazing hybrid tea rose with large, pure white flowers that are perfect for that moonlight garden. The flowers spiral open from big pointed buds into generous 5" blooms that are great for cutting. Repeat- to continuous-flowering. Very good disease resistance.


Sweet Mademoiselle™

Sweet Mademoiselle's colour intensity can change with the temperature. In cooler weather the flowers are a dark pink to orange but in hot temperatures the flowers would be lighter in colour. This rose is very hardy and can handle the heat. And these deep pink roses are a sweet treat for the nose as they are extremely fragrant. This Hybrid Tea displays excellent disease resistance and grows with great vigor. A charming addition to any garden.



This rose may put a spell on you with its magical colour combination. A very unique, multi-colored rose with large blooms of yellow, peach, salmon, red & apricot. Striking flowers of exhibition form & shape have great substance against very glossy, dark green foliage. And she emits a luscious strong scent.


Warm Wishes

The large, fragrant, apricot-orange flowers start with classic high-pointed centres, the outer petals gradually curling back. They are held on a strong, well-balanced bush with dark, luxurious foliage.


Winter Sun™ Eleganza®

This new Hybrid Tea Rose is set to be released in Spring 2023. Winter Sun™ Eleganza® Rose features luminous bright yellow flowers with soft gold overtones. In true hybrid style, blooms appear at the ends of the branches from late spring to early fall. The flowers are excellent for cutting. It has healthy, dark green deciduous foliage.


World Rose (Die Welt)

A worldly Hybrid Tea rose of exceptional colour. Large, double orange, red and yellow blended flowers are perfectly-formed, high-centered, atop long stems. It an excellent exhibition rose that blooms from late spring to autumn. World Rose is an upright, deciduous shrub with thorny stems bearing dark green leaflets. This shrub can be lightly to very fragrant.


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