A Guide to Smooth Hydrangeas

Easy to grow in the shade and cold-hardy.

A Guide to Smooth Hydrangeas & Mountain Hydrangeas

Smooth Hydrangeas (Hydrangea arborescens), are also called wild hydrangeas. These bushes can tolerate hot climates and also colder temperatures as they are hardy from zones 4 to 7. Smooth Hydrangeas bloom profusely from summer to early fall and can be grown in full sun or dappled shade. They grow 3’ to 6’ tall and wide are sometimes planted as hedges because of their size.  The leaves of arborescens are generally heart shaped, thin, and floppier than the mopheads (macrophylla). They have a matte surface and a courser texture than the smooth leaf of the mophead. The leaf stems (petiole) are long and hold the leaf away from the main stem. A magnificent flowering shrub.

Please contact Glen Echo Nurseries for current inventory availability    905-584-9973  or  905-584-1475


Huge, stunning flowers open lime green maturing to brilliant white often producing huge heads over 10" in diameter. Blooms profusely every year even after severe pruning or intensely cold winters. Shade tolerant.

Invincible Mini Mauvette

Bred specifically for cold climate gardeners! This beautiful smooth hydrangea has large deep pink-mauve flowers that are held upright by strong stems. An endless supply until first frost.


The name was chosen to trumpet the impressive size of the "balls" of flowers – up to 12”. Upright, hardy, flowers on new, stronger wood but has bigger flower heads than Annabelle. An incrediball choice!

Invincible Wee White

The compact bush looks like a bouquet of flowers. The first dwarf smooth hydrangea in the world! It grows from 1 to 2.5 feet tall but has beautiful large reblooming white flowers.

Invincible Limetta®

Easy to care for and is covered in flowers year after year. Dwarf hydrangea has spheres of lime green blooms in early summer, lighten to a soft green-white before turning to a darker jade green.

Please contact Glen Echo Nurseries for current inventory availability:
905-584-9973 or 905-584-1475

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