A variety of Fall Bulbs

Bulk Bulbs  –  Nothing says spring like a field of naturalized daffodils or a flower bed filled with brightly colored tulips.  Glen Echo Nurseries has those bulbs and many more from traditional to truly unique!  Spring-blooming bulbs always put on a great show, brightening chilly grey days with their vivid, paint-box colors.  Summer-blooming bulbs produce some of the garden’s biggest and most spectacular flowers.  In winter, amaryllis bulbs produce huge, brilliantly-colored blossoms indoors with nothing more than water and a little sunshine.   And let’s not forget that garlic is best planted in the fall to enjoy in your favourite dishes next summer.

Flower bulbs are perfectly packaged for easy planting.   Just dig a hole and drop in the bulb.  Most bulbs aren’t very particular about where they are planted.  They will grow as well in pots and containers, as they do in flower gardens, beneath trees and shrubs and in woodlands, meadows and even lawns.  Planting flower bulbs doesn’t require any special knowledge or experience.

Nature has provided flowering bulbs with everything they need to survive and thrive.  When a bulb starts to grow, it uses these stored reserves to develop roots, shoots, leaves and flowers. Being so self-sufficient means that flower bulbs don’t have to wait for the perfect weather or ideal soil conditions.   Just make sure they roots are down & wait to see them bloom in spring.

Please see the list below for a variety of bulbs available at Glen Echo.  We have so many Tulip Bulbs – it has its own list.  Please see the separate list for Tulip Bulbs.

Allium Azureum

True-Blue Allium (Allium azureum) flowers are the gardener's holy grail, and this Siberian native provides them in abundance. Allium azureum (Ornamental Onion) is easily grown and decorates the garden with plenty of 1 1/2" round flax-blue flowers.

Allium Globemaster Tops

Look at the size of these flowers! A striking ornamental onion consisting of dozens of small star-shaped violet flowers forming a 10 inch wide (25 cm) globe-shaped cluster! This spectacular Allium enjoys long-lasting blooms from late spring to early summer. The seed heads are ornamental, persisting for weeks after the flower has passed on.

Allium Graceful Beauty Tops

This improved selection from Holland was originally native to North America. The long lasting florets are extremely pale pink when they open and gradually turn white. Each floret has contrasting lavender stamens and highlights that really make this an engaging Allium.

Allium Purple Sensation

This classic allium is a favorite that is excellent for cutting and beautiful in dried bouquets. Bold, 4-5" spheres are packed with hundreds of tiny flowers, held atop sturdy stems. Ideal for mid-border color accents. Hardy bulbs multiply readily.

Allium Rosy Dream

Rosy Dreams delicately colored pink-lavender 3" flowers appear to be floating fluffy puff balls - no wonder butterflies love them. They add a new dimension to the Allium family and look wonderful as cuttings. The mid-sized stems make them a nice addition to the front of the garden.

Allium Schubertii

Oh the drama - Allium schubertii is an unusual-looking allium, bearing spiky heads of flowers with stems of different lengths, resulting in a dramatic effect. Individual florets are purple with a green centre. It’s perfect for growing in sunny borders and in pots as an unusual centrepiece, and it makes a striking cut flower.

Allium Sphaerocephalon

We love this pretty Ornamental Onion. Allium sphaerocephalon is a striking allium, bearing dense green drumstick-style flower heads which mature to maroon-red. It’s a great choice for growing in a mixed herbaceous border among ornamental grasses, or gravel gardens. It also works well in a pot.

Allium Schubertii

This ornamental onion is an unusual-looking allium, bearing spiky heads of flowers with stems of different lengths, resulting in a dramatic effect. Individual florets are purple with a green centre. It’s perfect for growing in sunny borders and in pots as an unusual centrepiece, and it makes a striking cut flower.

Anemone DeCaen Blue Poppy

Features satiny, violet-blue, poppy-like flowers adorned with a dark button center, these poppies are ridiculously easy to grow. Sturdy poppies that bloom in mid to late spring and usually last up to 4 weeks. A pretty poppy that attracts butterflies and make wonderful cut flowers. Plant in a sunny garden where their broad, bright faces are highly appealing.

Anemone De Caen Sylphide

Wake up your spring flower garden with these hot pink anemones. The blossoms open wide to show off amazing, blue-black centers that bees and butterflies can't resist. Lacy foliage complements the flowers.

Chionodoxa Forbes

It is called Glory-of-the-Snow for a reason. They are one of the loveliest spring flowering bulbs that show up so early in fact, that sometimes they poke right out of the snow. The small, upward-facing flowers are pale blue with a white center, making them appear almost glassy or translucent.

Chionodoxa Pink Giant

Also known as Glory-of-the-Snow for it's early spring arrival, it reaches a height of only 6 to 8 inches. However, the flowers are relatively large for a Chionodoxa. The star-shaped, six-petaled flowers are bubblegum-pink and skyward facing.

Crocus Remembrance

Crocus vernus Remembrance is an early spring blooming bulb with large flowering royal purple blooms that will bring your garden beautiful spring color. A good companion for early Daffodils, Crocus Remembrance typically grows to 4-6” tall. Flowers close at night and open up in the morning.

Crocus speciosus Tops

This autumn-flowering cormous perennial bears long-tubed flowers in shades of violet-blue with deeper blue veins and divided, bright orange styles.

Crocus Striped Beauty

'Striped Beauty' produces several upright, cuplike, purple and white striped (bi-color) flowers on stems rising to 4-6" above basal, grass-like leaves. Versatile and easy to grow. Blooms shortly after snowdrops (Galanthus). Naturalizes well.

Crocus Yellow Mammoth

It has been in cultivation for so long that its exact origin is unknown. A superb yellow variety for bright color in early spring. We recommend planting them with hellebore and galanthus in wooded areas for natural look and color.

Crocus zonatus Tops

Fall Bulbs. Small beauties send up carmine pink petals with bright yellow centered flowers that bring welcomed colour in the fading autumn garden.

Daffodil - Narcissus Cum Laude

A big, beautiful daffodil with in an unusual colour combo. It features rounded, white petals and a large, ruffled, split corona in pale peach. This fragrant Daffodil will appear in late spring. Daffodils are disease and pest resistant and, planted in full to part sun, will come back year after year with ever expanding clumps.

Daffodil - Narcissus Fragrant Mix

A Daffodil lover's dream! This is a lovely, fragrant spring mix with a wide array of colours and shapes. The sweetest smelling Daffodils have been assembled in this mix that also bloom from early to late spring. You will be guaranteed to have flowers from early, through mid and all the way into late spring. Bag of 50

Daffodil - Narcissus Gigantic Star

Rich with a delightful vanilla fragrance, Narcissus 'Gigantic Star' is a remarkable daffodil boasting huge, brilliant golden-yellow flowers, 5 inches across with broad overlapping petals, resembling a star, and a frilled vivid yellow trumpet that will bloom in mid to late spring.

Daffodil - Narcissus Golden Bells

A cultivar of Narcissus bulbocodium, often referred to as the Hoop Petticoat Daffodil. This Daffodil has large, bold, yellow trumpets and slender, star-shaped petals. Growing to a height of just 20cm (7-8 in), this is a dwarf Daffodil. Blooms are weather resistant and make interesting cut flowers.

Daffodil - Narcissus Ice Follies

Love this Daffodil! It is a sweetly fragrant, multiple award-winner, large cupped Daffodil. Produces large flowers, 4 in. across (9.5 cm), adorned with creamy-white petals and a flared, frilled lemon-yellow cup that will fade to a pale cream colour over time. This heavy bloomer is also fast growing and will appear early to mid-spring. Bag of 50

Daffodil - King Alfred

A classic tradition, the King Alfred is probably the best known of the Daffodils. These impressive, single stemmed flowers have trumpets that are as long as, or longer than the flower petals. Plant them in bunches for best effect. They will not disappoint. Available individually or Bags of 50

Daffodil - Narcissus Loveday

This colour combination on this large cupped Daffodil is quite spectacular! A bright yellow Daffodil, with a slightly frilled, deep orange cup. A bold, easy to grow Daffodil with big flowers on 18” stems and blooms in early Spring. They are much loved for their resistant to deer and rabbits.

Eranthis Cilicica

Also known as Winter Aconite, this is a small bulb that is easy to grow with bright yellow flowers that naturalizes easily in woodland or meadow gardens. It prefers full sun to partial shade, in moist well-draining high organic matter soils. They look beautiful planted along walkways, in rock gardens, or in the front of borders.

Fritillaria imperalis Early Fantasy

Crown Imperial ‘Early Fantasy’ (Fritillaria imperialis ‘Early Fantasy’) warms the garden with rich apricot hues. Stately plants with tall 36-40" stems hold a ring of large, bell-shaped flowers, topped with a crown of small leaves. ‘Early Fantasy’s’ large petals are peach-pink, fading to apricot and it blooms from early-to-mid-spring. Great for the back of a perennial border, or where their height and form can be appreciated.

Fritillaria imperialis Rubra

Crown Imperial Rubra makes quite a statement in the garden! This striking bulbous herbaceous perennial features a beautiful display of red pendant, bell-shaped flowers topped by a crown of small leaves. They grow to an impressive 40 to 44 inches high in mid to late spring and are perfect behind other shorter bulb varieties.

Fritillaria imperalis Early Sensation

Sensational describes this Crown Imperial very well! Bright yellow blooms with a blush of pink appear in early spring and sport a leafy crown of bright green foliage that will be a bright spot in your spring garden. This ancient flower does tend to give off a bit of a musky odour so are deer resistant.

Fritillaria meleagris

This Fritillaria is commonly called the Checkered Lily or the Snakes Head Lily. A very unique woodland bulb grows that grows as a multicolored mix of pure white and white-checkered reddish-purple nodding bells. These spectacular 2" flowers sit atop slender stems growing to 15” tall. Blooms in April.

Fritillaria Leutea Maxima

Crown Imperial Yellow has very striking golden-yellow exotic flowers. The yellow bell-shaped flowers and the high-quality stalk with glossy leaves make this a must-have for every spring garden. Maxima Lutea grows one to sometimes three feet high! The flowers have a characteristic musky smell and carry large drops of nectar, so they are very popular with pollinators and resistant to deer and rodents.

Galanthus elwesii

Commonly known as the Greater Snowdrop or Giant Snowdrop, they are taller than the Galanthus nivalis and have larger flowers. Their stems are similar to that of tulips except they have a dainty, nodding wide bloom with green inner petals. One of the earliest to pop up in late winter - early spring.

Galanthis navalis Floreo Plena

Robust and incredibly attractive, it is a double snowdrop, which produces dainty, nodding white flowers, 1 in. long (2.5 cm) delicately marked with green at the apex of each petal. Best planted in masses, these lovely little flowers appear early spring and last for several weeks.

Hyacinth orientalis Carnegie

Long-lasting, frosted-white flowers with an intense spicy scent. 'Carnegie' is a pristine white Hyacinth on stout stems. One of the most fragrant bulbs. Hyacinths are a popular choice for growing in pots indoors for a burst of colour and fragrance in spring. But they are equally valuable as outdoor plants, planted in autumn.

Iris - Dwarf Katharine Hodgkin

Smaller in stature, but just as dazzling as their taller cousin. Dwarf Irises are very early blooming plants. They bloom after snowdrops and about the same time as giant crocuses. Dramatic blooms in periwinkle blue with eruptions of golden yellow and deep blue markings.

Iris - Dwarf Katherines Gold

Finely-sculpted, creamy yellow flowers are suffused in a mist of pale green. Falls (the three petals that are curved downwards – they are falling away from the center of the flower) are etched with splashes of darker yellow and blue spots. Invigorates an early spring garden.

Iris hollandica Sapphire Beauty

Sapphire Beauty is the classic purple Dutch Iris that feature large flowers with upright, dark blue standards and yellow-marked, paler blue falls and narrow, linear leaves. Flowers appear in early summer.

Muscari - River of Muscari

Muscari are commonly known as Grape Hyacinths. Its tiny, bell-shaped, cobalt-blue flowers, each with a very delicate white border, form a compact cluster with a grape juice fragrance. Muscari bloom in mid-spring, at the same time as daffodils and tulips. The bulbs multiply readily, returning to bloom again year after year.

Muscari armeniacum

By far the most cultivated species of Muscari. Its tiny, bell-shaped, cobalt-blue flowers, each with a very delicate white border form a compact cluster. The flowers remain beautiful for a long time, inviting bees for regular visits. Winter hardy and easy to f=grow, no garden should be without these little grape flowers.

Snowcrocus Early Gold

Delivers a wealth of rich golden-yellow blooms adorned with unique bronze, feathered stripes in February-March. Appearing in a traditional bunching habit, Early Gold is one of the first crocuses to flower in early spring, even popping up through the snow to show off its bright colors and pretty form.

Snowcrocus Orange Monarch

The first and only true orange crocus named after the Monarch Butterfly. Its warmly hued, cup-shaped flowers are a delight. The outside petals are beautifully marked with maroon stripes adding extra dimension and the inside is deep golden yellow.

Snowcrocus Ruby Giant

An extremely early bloomer and fast multiplier, a delightful snowcrocus that adds great color to any spring garden. The petals are a rich violet-purple on the edges, gradually fading to pure white in the inside center of the flower. This is a cultivar of the Crocus tommasinianus also referred to as Tommies which unlike all other Crocus Tommies are squirrel and deer resistant!

Snowcrocus Snowbunting

Snow Bunting' was introduced in 1914. It was named for the snow bunting, a northern dwelling bird which is largely white feathered. Its blossoms are clear white with lilac feathering on the outside with a yellow throat and bright yellow-orange anthers. It grows 3 to 6 inches tall and wide.

Snowcrocus Whitewell Purple

Vigorous, Crocus tommasinianus 'Whitewell Purple' features elegant, slender-petalled, purple flowers adorned with silvery mauve inside and bright orange anthers. It has grass like foliage with silvery stripes. Hardy little flowers borne on sturdy stems.

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