Entice these whimsical little birds by placing Hummingbird Feeders around your yard
Hummingbirds are a joy to watch all summer long and we offer many types of Hummingbird feeders to attract these enchanting little creatures. Perhaps you have noticed that Hummingbird feeders are almost always red. Hummingbirds have a heightened sensitivity to the yellow and red end of the color spectrum, with blues appearing duller to them. Therefore, the bright, warm colors stand out more. There is some evidence to suggest that a preference to red is a conditioned response. And while Hummingbird Feeders are coloured with red, it is not necessary to colour the nectar red. In fact, food colouring should be avoided.
Feeders should be set out about mid April for the return of these migrating birds. If you commit to summer feeding, you should be aware that Hummingbird feeders should be cleaned on a weekly basis to avoid fungus or bacteria building up in the feeders. Infections from unclean feeders can cause their little tongues to swell and often results in death. And if they have come to rely on these feeders, it can affect a large number of Hummingbirds. Fortunately, they are quite easy to maintain and you can clean the feeders easily with 1 part white vinegar to 4 parts water. Rinse and air dry.
Hummingbird Nectar is available in either liquid or powder form and should be changed, even if it looks like it hasn’t lost a drop, on a regular basis. During hot weather, change it every two days. In milder weather, once a week is fine. If you could place the Hummingbird feeder out of the sun and in a cool place, these precious aviators will appreciate it. Hang a bright red ribbon or bow on your feeder to increase hummingbird activity.