Lawn Seed

Lateral Spread™ Lawn Seed Mixtures.


General Seed was established in 1965 as a Forage Seed Company. Since 1999 they have specialized in Forage, Turf, Cover Crops and Native Seeds.  No filler, just exceptional Lawn Seed.

Lateral Spread lawn mixtures have a spreading tiller which fills in bare spots fast for increasing density to prevent possible weed pressures. These mixtures are fine leafed and dark green in colour. Each mix is custom designed making General Seed Company the only ones with this technology in Eastern Canada.




Premium Plus LS™

50% Kentucky Blue Grass 10% Creeping Red Fescue 40% Slider LS™ Per. Ryegrass Lawn mixture is suited for any soil type with Lateral Spread™ Perennial Ryegrass.

Sun and Shade LS™

30% Kentucky Blue Grass 30% Creeping Red Fescue 25% Slider LS™ Per. Ryegrass 10% Chewing Fescue 5% POA Trivialis Ingredients that both thrive in shady areas as well as in full sun. It performs well on any soil type.

Super Shade LS™

40% Slider LS™ Per. Ryegrass 30% Creeping Red Fescue 20% Chewing Fescue 10% POA Trivialis Lawn mixture for medium to heavily shaded areas.

Deluxe Overseed LS™

20% Kentucky Blue Grass 20% Creeping Red Fescue 30% Slider LS™ Per. Ryegrass 30% Torsion LS™ Per. Ryegrass A good solid mixture for over seeding on most soil types with endophyte enhanced Ryegrass.

Quick Catch LS™

34% Grand Slam GLD Perennial Ryegrass 33% Torsion LS™ Per. Ryegrass 33% Slider LS™ Per. Ryegrass A great mixture for over seeding or patching up bare spots.

Hardilawn LS™

70% Dynamite LS™ Tall Fescue 15% Torsion LS™ Per. Ryegrass 15% Slider LS™ Per. Ryegrass An environmentally friendly mix with endophyte ingredients for sandy soil.

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